The Acceptable Use Policy described below defines the actions that we consider to be abusive and strictly prohibited. There are no exclusions in this listing. Please be aware that the actions listed below are also prohibited from other Internet Presence Providers (IPPs) and their users on behalf of Enlighten Designs Ltd (in this case trading as Enlighten Hosting) to advertise any service hosted by Enlighten Hosting or connected via the Enlighten Hosting Network. Such services are not to be advertised by way of deceptive marketing policies.
In this policy 'we' will refer to Enlighten Hosting, while 'the customer' will refer to you either as an individual account holder or as an commercial or other organisation.
This policy has been formulated with the following goals in mind:
- To ensure security, reliability and privacy of our systems and network, and the networks and systems of others.
- To avoid situations that may cause us to incur civil liability.
- To maintain the image and reputation that we hold as a responsible organisation.
- To preserve the value of Internet resources as a conduit for free expression.
- To encourage the responsible use of net resources, discouraging practices that degrade the usability of network resources and thus the value of Internet services.
- To preserve the privacy and security of individual users.
The examples named in this list are non-exclusive, and are provided solely for guidance to our customers. If you are unsure whether any contemplated use or action is permitted, please send an email to and we will assist you within 48 hrs of receiving the email. Please note that the actions listed below are also not permitted from other Internet Service Providers on behalf of, or to advertise, any service hosted by us, or connected via our network. Furthermore, such services may not be advertised via deceptive marketing policies.
We have a zero tolerance for spam originating from our customers.
- We have the right to charge $NZ500 per complaint to investigate a possible case of spamming from our servers.
- We do not deal with your customers.
- If we get a first complaint, we will forward it to you at the most recent contact information we have supplied by you. If we don't receive a response indicating the complete resolution of the complaint within 24 hours, we may drop the section of IP space involved in the spam complaint until we are convinced that the problem is resolved. In particular, we are concerned with spam that not only originates from your network, but also that advertises sites hosted on your network. If we get repeat complaints and it is clear that the problem has not been resolved, we may blackhole the section of IP space involved in the spam complaint until we are convinced that the problem is resolved. If so, we will contact you as soon as is feasible.
- We reserve the right, to drop the section of IP space involved in spam or Denial-of-Service complaints if it is clear that the offending activity is causing great harm to parties on the Internet. In particular, if open relays are on your network or a customer's network, or if denial of service attacks are originating from your network. In certain rare cases, we may have to do this before attempting to contact you. If we do this, we will contact you as soon as is feasible.