Streaming Plans
Our plans for Live Streaming

Live Streaming

Live streaming is a technology for providing audio and/or video files (either live or on demand) from an online environment.

The world of media consumption has been changed by the Internet. The rising consumer adoption of broadband has created opportunities for companies to feed the ever-increasing consumer appetite for rich online content. However, nobody sits still for poor-quality streaming media. Customers can abandon your site if the video looks jerky or the audio drops out. Delivering a high quality video/audio experience to your customers is challenging due to variables including the Internet congestion, network latencies and last mile connection limitations.

Now you can take advantage of our proven expertise. Enlighten Hosting delivers high-quality, reliable streaming and rich interactive viewing experience for your customers - live or on-demand.

Our live streaming services enable organisations to create engaging and compelling experiences for their website visitors. The scope of possibilities is endless. You can present entertainment events, promotions, product demos, corporate announcements, live news, sports, music, movies and advertisements more easily and on demand. Enlighten Hosting streams rich content to your website visitors flawlessly.

For more information about our Streaming Plans please Contact Us.

Our Streaming Experience

Enlighten Hosting has a great deal of experience in the areas of video and audio streaming. We can provide streaming hosting services as well as converting or encoding your audio and video files into Flash Video streaming or Windows Media streaming formats.

We can do everything from the provision of the streaming service, to the onsite setup of the streaming hardware. As part of the process, we can also evaluate different options for cameras, PCs and streaming media server technology to determine which will be most suitable to meet your requirements.

The streaming process is simple and quick. Upon request, Enlighten Hosting can help you set up an easy and effective streaming demo using the content (ie: video, audio) that you provided; before you commit to our service.

Enlighten Hosting has successfully delivered live streaming events for organisations including the New Zealand National Party, Mystery Creek Fieldays, Te Runanga Ngati Porou, and Jasons Travel Media. We have also worked with TV3, TV2, CNN, and Reuters in the marketing and organising of events such as Napier 2000AD, and the Edge radio station's version of 'Big Brother' - Inmates.

Live Streaming Process

Step 1: Acquisition

For a live signal, real-time video and/or audio capture hardware is required.

Step 2: Encoding

The raw digitised video and audio acquired from the hardware sources must then be encoded in a streaming format. A chosen method will be used to compress the streams for online presentation. This step can be performed in real time utilising the Enlighten Hosting encoding infrastructure when live video and audio are required.

Step 3: Transmission to server

As the streaming data is captured and encoded it is sent to the live streaming media server.

There are two primary formats for streaming media that we use: Flash Video streaming and Windows Media streaming.

Step 4: Transmission to the end users

The end users then connect to web sites which have players embedded within them. These players are set-up to connect to the live streaming media server.

The players then pull the video and/or audio stream from the media streaming server and present it to the end user. For video presentation the video player will normally pre-load (buffer) the video stream for the user so it will play smoothly.

The players then pull the video and/or audio stream from the media streaming server and present it to the end user. For video presentation the video player will normally pre-load (buffer) the video stream for the user so it will play smoothly.


Bandwidth Concurrent Streams Rate Monthly Fee
750Kbps 20 40kbps streams $85 *
1.5Mbit 50 40kbps streams $170 *
3Mbit 100 40kbps streams $340 *
6Mbit 200 40kbps streams $680 *

*All prices exclude GST. GST is calculated as being 15% of the total and is paid to the New Zealand Government. GST applies to New Zealand customers only.

For custom streaming solutions and get your Media streaming services online today, please contact us now!

What to do next?

Do you have customised streaming requirements? Talk to us today. Otherwise, please view our standard streaming hosting plans on our Enlighten Hosting website.