Frequently Asked Questions
Informational Support

Domain FAQ

What is a domain?

As no two number plates can be the same, no two domain names can be the same. Examples of domain names are or

A domain name is made up of three parts. First the suffix of the domain identifies the country of the names origin. For example, .nz represents New Zealand, and .au represents Australia. These are what are referred to as Top Level Domains (TLD).

The next part of the domain represents the type of name. For example, .co or .com represent commercial, .org represents organisation, and .net represents network.

The third part is the 'name' of the domain, for example, enlightenhosting, or google. This is the part you register and may be your business name, product name or a description of some sort.

And finally, the www of the Domain name which stands for "world wide web" is added on by the server administrator. You can put your domain name to more use by adding words other than www, for example, or

You can also use your domain name for your email branding, for example,

How much does a domain cost to register?

Domain registration fees depend on what country you are registering a domain in. Have a look at Enlighten Domains for domain name pricing or contact us.

Why do I have to keep paying for my domain?

Domains are renewed annually or bi-annually.  You do not own a domain name, you own a temporary  lease of a domain once payment has been made and the domain registered to you. 

You then pay yearly to maintain the use of the domain.  Once a domain has been cancelled or has expired, other users are free to register the domain for their own use.

What types of domains can I register?

You can register the following domain names:

New Zealand Domains

Domain extension     Community of Interest Tertiary educational institutions and related organisations Organisations pursuing commercial aims and purposes Individuals and other organisations not covered elsewhere Organisations and service providers directly related to the NZ Internet Not-for-profit organisations Primary, secondary and pre-schools and related organisations Maori people, groups and organisations

USA Domains

Domain extension Community of Interest
.com Commercial enterprises
.org Non-profit organisations
.net Network systems

Australian Domains

Domain extension Community of Interes Commercial enterprises.

UK Domains

Domain extension Community of Interest Commercial enterprises.

How do I transfer a registered domain to your server?

Please follow the below instructions for transferring a domain.

1. Provide Enlighten Hosting with your Domain ID and Password for .com or your UDAI for .nz domains

2. Provide Enlighten Hosting with your Domain Name

3. Any outstanding invoices for the domain must be paid before transfer can be initiated

4. All hosting accounts must have their primary domain hosted on our domain name service.

5. All .com .net .org domains have a 60 day holding period from when they are registered. If your .com .net .org domain has been registered within 60 days please take into account that the transfer can not be initiated until the end of the 60 day holding period.

Enlighten Hosting does not accept responsibility for delays to the accessibility of your site due to the transfer of your domain to our domain name service.

Can I have more than one domain for my site?

Yes, you can add multiple domain names to your site.

Can you redirect my domain to another site?

Yes we can. There is a $10 monthly charge for our domain name pointing service.

In order to do this we require the following information:

1. The IP Address of the server you wish your domain to point to

Enlighten Hosting does not accept responsibility for any delays in the accessibility of your site during the setup of our domain name pointing service.